Saturday, January 27, 2007
Once in a Million Squid
Quarrel unwinding, to be feared,
Past the millionth past.
Ease quotes the record,
Paleolithic turntables against
Quote switches, the thumb.
Here I admit it: follow the scraps,
Important release forms, change
The code on the entry bar, lean
Like gleaming stones
Earmarked to these new oceanic heat vents,
I weigh a thrusting elbow
To the dark. Swim, swim.
Express the forgotten chunks.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Look out the river
Brings us in like a fish
Look out the barber
Reels us in to bioluminescence
Arthropod scoop me ice cream
Cold methane
Worms crawl out
Smack each other with open
Hands of litigation shouting
Evolve this!
And still the river clinks
Islands, cheers,
Small holes in my head
Catch and release
Small cavities of combustion
Help me by emitting sounds
Like wave slaps on a motor boat
Instead of still ingesting.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Macular System
A gunshot of distance and burnt rounds
Shape the spot of sun which I remember
I remember the shape of sun spot round
Burnt into my eye,
I remember the round shot burnt red
Into my eye, my remembering.
At severe highway speeds the traffic cones
Loom in blur then materialize
Like a hard kernel in the popcorn
A gliding vision turned into sudden rock,
The absorbed light masticated on points.
And then the unfinished bridge
Rows of unhinged rebar, hull of shape
Reported hanging around
The spot of blast and sun.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Limited Stamps
On the beach in Hollywood FL, a tractor drags a giant segment of pipe
In order to smooth away the foot prints, garbage and seagull carcasses.
Inverted aircraft or scones with gunpowder.
The hump over the drawbridge over the intracoastal is the biggest hill in Hollywood and very hard to peddle over.
Thanks for thumbs, they give inversion a cloudy temple.
My landlord in Hollywood thought it was funny to make racist jokes. My neighbor across the backyard was arrested for selling shoulder mounted surface to air missiles.
Standing pipes unleash the car bombs, carburetor, link shadows with hair.
My backyard was filled with sticker burs that grew like a grass. My dog developed an aversion to pooping.
The inches mount up, corrosions of sand holes filled with salt, the salted earth.
There are stamps with portraits on them of people who have done nothing of significance with their lives.
I would rather have a stamp with my thumbprint on it.
On the Broadwalk in Hollywood FL, you may encounter poets dressed as drill sergeants or darkened spit globs deep as a highway sun.
Crutches of sun make the roaming clink as though things are just right and about to occur.
In the bike lane on the Hollywood Broadwalk you may be hit by a Canadian child riding one of Leonardo’s wire dreams.
You are halo constructed then charmed by hands like the turnstile.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Southern Humanities Council Annual Conference
Interpreting Place, Culture, and Circumstance”
Louisville, Kentucky, February 1-4, 2007
Downtown Holiday Inn
Friday Afternoon, February 2, 2007 4:00-5:30pm
Session IVb, Ballroom B
“Zombies and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction: Collaborating for Survival”
Clay Blancett, Independent Poet and Artist
Mary Boyes, Popular Ink Press
Tracey Cockrell, Independent Artist
Jay Snodgrass, Florida State University
Friday, January 19, 2007
Traced Sonics
Nox-pin clink, foreground thistle
To steam, to slither outright
Barnacles and currency, cloisters
Of change, stirrups a head dress
Drenched in parfait the noodler
Condemns each sniff of the handlebar
Sting-bat and Norway mashuggahs
Environments of over-clones
Knife the transcendentalist to backwaters
No further taxonomy required
Clink-jam a conifer, shredded everywheres
Link up to paginate this looking,
This coffee is a plastic edict, poppers
Extreme predictions of the new cacophony.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
For the Turnstiles
with their seasick mamas
Hear the sirens on the shore,
Singin' songs
for pimps with tailors
Who charge ten dollars
at the door.
You can really
learn a lot that way
It will change you
in the middle of the day.
Though your confidence
may be shattered,
It doesn't matter.
All the great explorers
Are now in granite laid,
Under white sheets
for the great unveiling
At the big parade.
You can really
learn a lot that way
It will change you
in the middle of the day.
Though your confidence
may be shattered,
It doesn't matter.
All the bushleague batters
Are left to die
on the diamond.
In the stands
the home crowd scatters
For the turnstiles,
For the turnstiles,
For the turnstiles.
--Neil Young, At The Beach
Source Clog
The list of which towards light inclines
A list towards climbing towards shadows
In the open heart, heat showers clinging
Shower curtains, long lines for tickets
To the lighter show, popping flicks
Flint locks down the darkness, commute
To the bathroom, to the liquor store,
Her breathy banality loads the species,
Lightening toads say this that only
Nothing leans as lightly as the load
Say scorch, say steeple and leap
Let lingering elongate. Are you sick
Of this yet? Somnambulessons
Flicker in the eyes then Q and A
In the graveyard, refreshing dissection.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Not the Yellow Line
On the stain, destiny, countervailed
Bearing change to receive a holy
Tax deduction, while scrubbers amass
Like clouds of vermin to eradicate
The bubbling, sticky effluvia
From the turnstiles.
Peeking like a walnut or a barb
On the wire, your chainlink squanders
Her winks on the backyard, her
Valance of dog turds, reward everlasting.
The long road is messy, rumble stripped,
Concentric with the marble of fleshrings
Like fat on a grapefruit or hog. And slick,
Youwee, she got it in for you, turnstiles
And all.
Mistotranshabitional Unfunction
Knives in the bathroom lights like vines.
Trumpets crunch in riverbeds, grow steps,
Stem tubers out for gills, meteors.
In retreat. Goody bar. The end-eating train
Over the heads, down wired to haze.
The levers, the ledge, whoso clever, cogs:
Unveils their effluvia
With whips and spinning ships of Shaw
Stratagems, other gamy meats to straw.
Turn it off, hinge back the link and newt,
No gear mists the grates. Stink. Offer agony.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Look, the sun sets out her silver,
Reminder of a lag in humility.
We forget to prove as well
To one another so
These stubbed toes send their memos:
Notches hurt the same.
Let-downs and tabs, a coat tag for the brain.
Assemble nice some clinging, sense
The garbage bags:
Think how breathing lends the farm
Her gristle, her
Smooth voice of outrage.
Or remember the divide
Of trestle and graffiti, the swag
Of love and proclamations towards defeat:
How loose the metal looks
Without the light, how suddenly hairy
Has grown this lag in darkness.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The One Holy with Boards
In the corner I keep a bucket
For hair, for ants to make
Monuments with, like outside
In the mud they made temples
To gods, ant gods wearing masks
Of my hair, ant men
As ant gods transformed
And little ant children watching
By the fire, scared and pretending
Not to be scared.
The rest is only boards
And a chair and me in a figure
Tossing hair, one lonely
Loose strand sticking
To the current of air that could be
My breath or it could be
The most holy spirit on high
Moving the consequences around
So that little ant children
Can come into the cavern perilous
And pick out a dress,
When they are older, to scare
The other children and at the same
Time their parents who
look both ways, one with
Eyes in the back of their back hands
Which can look up the phone number
For the rectory so the empty suits can come
And empty the air and patchwork
Up my boards.
My boards.
For Cents
And a depression in the soft
Of currency, managed heads
Beads and discriminated furrows,
The corn in her vestments
Yet to wed, still in the perusal
Of soft sun and somewhere
Else, distant hammering, a concourse
Going up for the righteous to
Watch from. Listen to the wind
For some oohs and aahs,
Crowds of pruning heads a jingle
To the news, anchor of the day
From this equator, torrid sunlight
On crops and crops of money.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Log Entries
And sterile seeming nauticals
Come streaming to the tubular
When nodes believe the negative
And steam makes molds of rebar
Like sweeping beams of corded wood
And happy dreams of doom
Some sandwich barriers sand the islands
Or twitch bread link the shark’s beard
I leave this shoal a bannered tile
A dash of berry brainy noodles
To serve the severed tides, like these
Unhammered nails, unmasted vessels
Break upon the doorsteps in delirious slips
Sinking down to the stumps and treasure.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Humanized by the secret caress of children
The caramelized dinosaur at the playground
Looms over the seesaw’s chewing rhythm
Like an offering. In my dream I decipher
The split of the many words for footstep, a jungles
Tears, reassembling them into
Carbon dated mechanics, a computer print out
Of fleeing herds, the desperate and doomed
Wrapped up together in words like eon and love.
At my end of extinction I’m a little droopy eyed,
Waiting outside the museum for a cab, some
Purpose, or just lingering with not much else
To motivate, perhaps masticating a cud
Wait for the world and its children
To fawn over my reassembled corpse.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Or wheeling the corpse of a possum over
The four foot chain link and into my neighbor’s yard.
That of the unmowed, untended. He only uses
His back yard to figure eight on a clamorous
ATV that could serve no possible purpose in the city.
Because he wakes me up from my Saturday nap
With that high whine and his godaweful kids pummeling
At silence, I heave this poor comatoast fellers
Humble remains, this body of evidence, prayer
To the right god of sniveling vengeance
Right into the worn and sandy lane of my passive
Aggression. Back in the day, flinging the dead
Over the battlements was intended to spread disease.
These days it’s the only recourse a man has.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Darker Side of Car Culture
No escape. The Screen.
Dead righteous to the unnamable blur
Asphalt pulse and professional footage
The honk remains the crane
Digging out flooring from brain bonnets
Of coral, dreams of the ocean floor
Rippled with remove, addled with worm
Caravans to, from, feedback
Realm the drone, feed on and on
Feed Back.
The gong cremates the tame,
And some are the mouths of the goalie
And a set of heels. A concrete banister
To the tinkling sound.
That thudding?
Only earth, clods and clods.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Piping Hot Sublimity
Or something more eternally shattering
And more resonant of the blissfully hot climate
Like magnolia, hanging cirrus cloud
Of gargantuan tyrannosaur tooth
De-bubbling in the vapors of some south bound jet,
Jamaica blue and water, or iron ground shavings
Of rain, I am opening the door to you Monsieur
Here is the rent and a little card upon which women
Make irises of lost hair,
That is, that which is lost
Strikes us down and we, standing in the rain
Are dead in the water,
Kvetching at the ability to breath.