Sunday, April 29, 2007

Out Jeff Davis Highway

John & Me took a ride down Rt. 1 towards Petersburg this morning.

Most of the pictures were shot F.T.T. (from the truck.)

Friday, April 27, 2007

Vent Trickles

homeostatic bifocals

and liberal obstreper ate shuns

your inherent sneeze

clutches vertebrae

can tanks or us bemuse

ten tickles

of bitch you air ees

sty ink plants

in Vader thumb tanks

you Stubbing


patch romance chord

turn down breaking stump

tourniquet dental bleak

mesh the entropy

veil, vile, volcanoes.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

VCU Sculpture Reunion

Myspace Page Here

I will not be attending.

Help! My theater has been taken over by cossacks.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hymn # 666. 666. 1.

Still worm

still trouncing, long

and lacquered for shores

on tri pon-knees.

Hone words crispy soldiers

your bones make crunch go now.

and the loose burn cringe

your values make

make me grow a cudgel from my


So one word blistered holders

keep my fingers free

from bur-r-r-ns.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

death dealer

Also the source for Hokuto No Ken's evil brother Lao. Here is Rei just for a feeler.

Plus I had a three AM epic confrontation with a pair of cockraoches. I was armed only with my wife's shoe and a kidney stone.

Detonation Fragments

surge throughout the behemoth

sloth length ways to segment the leanwards

Penelope harder that ever you have

to buy this one for its against quivers, steam alley

over bearing noodle capacity to invigorate

this. The scapula in round

tine over tine my fork sails mainly

for vast profit and underpants, deftly

under-apparent Calhoun, the street of burdens

lord over safe houses raid up bathroom

crunch bucket, cleaning the crab

out of heavy traffic, dead lifting

organs out of blank wishes, tong erasers

and frogs from every orifice of youth.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Well, That Was a Bust

Sorry if you came out there and couldn't find me, I was knee deep in snow taking pictures. I guess I can't apologize for the snow.

Thanks to Jorge and Patience for coming out, I have to go back and fetch them a femur.

I dumped the pictures in the Evergreen Flickr Pool, I also think that I lowered my immune system enough to finally inherit my daughters streptoccoculous.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Pod. People!

here's a link to the the underflower podcast I'm the second reader which is more than halfway through. And since I've cleverly figured how to link link here's a poem from way back in '03 from Eat it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

In Case Of Hippies

Prom Nite '89


[Raffled Complex]

The sold solo come this plenty

to purchase perchance some factory

or bed,

the noise, rich, right

constricting as the smelter, swiftly

buried burdens

Over-soul of amplitude, up, up.

Tide and golden effluvia,

remember the leftovers, on the side


to one two sweetness episodes

lonely carpets, Carpathians murder-

rich leathers and lost-at-seas

such perfect tensions, the wires,

razor banquets

and lonely, lone

symmetricals out there:



Glances and ricochets

forced faces recoil

from the array

One charge undone

too quick and banknoted

blur the singular scaffold

And then you mend

this fracture

on your own.

See? ream, patch, square

and strata

The encyclopedia also is adrift

in its own encryption.


Look-backs in glass

and car loops over etchy edgy

zippy zips. Turntable this

sleep. Extrusion sweltered

to a veil

While the mote hair-measures

renders an over cage,

we in them cages

Uber spark self forensic

to be derendered

out of the inks.

unwrite. deink.

Mark of faith is closing in.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Second Rvablog Congress to Convene @ Evergreen Cemetery

10-ish, Saturday April 7, 2007

Bring gloves & Snake-repellent

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ode to Joy

'9 Beet Stretch' is a recording of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours, without pitch distortion.