Thursday, September 06, 2007

Heironymous in Aftershave

Heironymous of the underbelly informs on his paperweights

Showering only when there is enough moonlight.

The concentration preens itself as though a surface of soda bubbles

Lime light reusable as ink and restaurant stains

Heironymous of the moonlight screws fixtures to the evening

Like dead light sprinkled with lime.

The hole through looking is which one intensifies as on a loop of curled

Light fixtures intoxicated to pavement

The ling way down sees its present for the tree in hyperbolic

Taxi rides through endless tunnels

The chirp-chirp of later evening is wide awaking me to psycho eye

Delimited confluence of ought to be-s and damits.

Show me the rebels with their bicycle tricks Heironymous

Consuming habaneras for the good of man.

Heironymous of the decayed light wears usher’s epaulets for diplomacy

Our waged war of contaminated

Heironymous of the leaded belly ache outs the land spoils and flood margins

To bereft the cleft in her moonlights.

Heironymous arranges his flowers like teeth of broken flowers

Such marginalia of porcelain shines, shines and outshines

All the Lower Heironymous penned to large mammals and hurting sweet

In their inner wards, inside, counting innards

Of the hippopotamus link to ligature to bony arrangement to party favors

In the limey fresh drinks and lamp light chirping.


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